Acute Neck and Upper Back
- Gauge your current pain number on a scale of one to ten, with ten being the worst pain imaginable. Now avoid activities or positions that increase your pain level by more than two. If you push through the pain you will cause more inflammation which only delays the healing process and results in you feeling more pain.
- Use ice wrapped in a towel and apply directly to the neck and shoulder area for 20 min every other hour while a wake. Do not use a heating pad, as this dry heat will cause swelling and increase your sensitivity to pain. A hot shower is allowed as it applies moist heat to the body, but no more than 10 min 3x a day.
- Apply Traumeel or Icy/Hot… ointment to the affected area up to three times a day for temporary relief of symptoms. Use a heat patch when you have to stay active but make sure not to overdo it and watch your pain levels during the activity.
- While sitting, keep your feet flat on the ground and your knees slightly higher than your hips. Sit firmly against the back of your chair with your lower back supported. Maintain your head in a neutral position with your ears over your shoulders. Avoid quick head movements and don’t crane your neck out in front of your body.
- Daytime hours should be spent lying down on a firm mattress or the floor while lying flat on your back with a pillow under your knees or on your side using the three pillow method. Do not lie on your belly and avoid sleeping on a couch as they lack proper support.
- Eat lightly making sure to include high-fiber foods fruits vegetables and cereals. Drink a minimum of eight glasses of water daily. Eat dark green leafy vegetables, fruits and low-fat dairy products to get calcium, magnesium, and B vitamins to support your nerves and muscles. If you are experiencing constipation discuss your options with the doctor. Avoid eating fast food and minimize sugar and white flower intake.
- As soon as your body allows and you are able to stay within the allowed pain levels you will want to begin some gentile light stretching. Bring your right ear toward your right shoulder and look toward the right shoulder for 10 seconds. Now bring your right ear toward your right shoulder and look away to the left shoulder to stretch the front neck muscles for 10 seconds. Now repeat of the other side and do 3-5 reps on each side twice daily. Keep tabs on how you feel a few hours after your initial stretch session and monitor your pain level to gauge your general inflammation level. If your pain increases by more than two on the pain scale don’t do the second daily stretch session and apply ice to the painful areas.